(780) 929-8541 / st.vitalchurch@shaw.ca / 4905 - 50 Street, Beaumont, AB, T4X 1J9 / Current Bulletin
Sunday, Jan 12th - No Children's Liturgy, Yes Children's Ministry Mass @ 11:00 am Mass
Sunday, Jan 19th, Children's Liturgy @ 11:00 am Mass
Parish Groups Directory Looking for info on the ministries and organizations active at St. Vital? Check out the parish groups directory!
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Phone: (780) 929-8541
Email: st.vitalchurch@shaw.ca
Parish office will be closed on Monday, November 11th for Remembrance Day
To sign up for the bulletin and other information please email: st.vitalchurch@shaw.ca
You can also unsubscribe anytime by emailing the above address.
Aerial View of St. Vital Church
Check out beautiful drone footage of St. Vital church and the parish grounds. Video credit: Local resident, Roy Stevenson.
Welcome to
Bienvenue à la
We, God's family at St. Vital Parish, inspired and strengthened by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, accept our vocation to follow Him, and let His light shine
through us to the world. It is the mission of this parish to fully live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as a bilingual Christian community, by sharing our faith and talents in service to one another. |
Nous, la famille de Dieu de la Paroisse de St. Vital, inspirée et renforce par la vie, la mort et la résurrection de Jésus-Christ, acceptons notre vocation de Le suivre, et de laisser
la lumière briller à travers nous sur le monde. C'est la mission de cette paroisse de vivre pleinement le message de Jésus Christ comme communauté chrétienne bilingue, en partageant notre foi et nos talents au service des uns aux autres. |
Parish Mission
Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie (OMI) will be here to serve as the Retreat Master for a Parish Mission which will run from February 23 – 25.
All of the Evening Services will begin at 7:00 and all of them will be held in St. Vital Church. There will be no Celebrations of the Eucharist at the Evening Services. Archbishop Lavoie will deliver the homily at all of the weekend liturgies on Feb 22/23 and there will be Celebrations of the Eucharist on Monday and Tuesday at 9:00 am.
The theme of the Mission is: “Finding Hope Through the Seasons of Lent and Easter”. Everyone is most welcome to join us.
First Pancake Breakfast of 2025!
All parishioners and their families are welcome to attend the next Knights of Columbus sponsored Pancake Breakfast which will take place on Sunday, January 19th following the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses. Join us in the basement to enjoy the food and fellowship!
2025 Donation Envelopes
Sunday Offering Envelopes for the new year are now available for pick up by parishioners. If you currently do not use envelopes and wish to do so, please contact the parish office by phone or email. Parishioners also have the option of donating thru automatic bank withdrawal (once a month) or e-transfer at StVital.Beaumont@caedm.ca
Family Faith, Formation, Food & Fellowship!
Brought to you by the Knights of Columbus!
Family bible study and potluck lunches to be held on the last Sunday of every month!
Families are invited to gather in the church basement after the 11:00 am mass to read, study and pray together. Reflections will be based on the gospel reading
for the following Sunday. Helpful background information and discussion questions will be provided.
Each week you are invited to contribute in the Sunday Collection and offer the fruits of your labor to our Lord in thanksgiving.
We know that these are financially challenging times and we understand that your primary financial responsibility is to your own home and family. If possible, we ask that you also remember your spiritual home, our parish. There are many ways to submit your donations:
If your message box does not allow for all this information, please send the parish this information in a separate email If you have questions or concerns, please contact the parish office 780-929-8541.